This year, our annual national seminar will be held in Perth. This is a great opportunity to promote friendship, morale and inspiration in training for members of Chan Family Choy Lee Fut from different schools within Australia and around the world. We will learn deeper aspects of CLF through forms and concepts that are beyond the regular curriculum taught in general classes.
This workshop is suitable for all Choy Lee Fut students including beginners.
- Date: Friday 7th July 2023 – Monday 10th July 2023.
- Location: Sullivan Hall, 2 Nannine Avenue, White Gum Valley WA.
- Cost:
- HSG Members: $300
- WST and above Members: $200
- Lion Dance Session: $50 (optional)
- City Tour: $200 (optional)

Flying Dragon Fan
Fei Lung Sin
As the name suggests, the Flying Dragon Fan teaches the use of a fan with power and swiftness like a flying dragon. It includes the standard techniques of a fan, which attack specific meridian points, but also attacks and counters by overcoming the opponent with swift and subtle power like the flying dragon.
The registration fee includes a complimentary take-home fan.

Left Right Single Leg Form
Jor Yau Dan Teui Kuen
The Choy Lee Fut style is renowned for its versatility in using the strength and speed of Southern hands with the variety and reach of the Northern kicks, and mobile footwork. This often leads to Choy Lee Fut being described as “Southern fists with Northern legs”. Jor Yau Dan Teui Kuen is a secondary level form which provides the opportunity to train and use the special leg work that is central to the Choy Lee Fut style.

十八羅漢 及/小羅漢
18 Lohan/Siu Lohan
We will revise these more familiar forms to add extra detail to your training.

八卦 (外, 基本)
External Ba Gwa Qi Gong
This part of the Ba Gwa Qi Gong trains the Ying and Yang relationship between several directions of the Ba Gwa to the specific vital organs, which is intimately linked to the five element theory. This provides yet another methodology to help the maintenance of your internal health.

蛇形青 (加不同變法)
Lion Dance
Snake and Variation Sets
In traditional lion dancing for most occasions there is always a display of the lion eating a lettuce that is either on its own or stacked with different combinations of obstacles. A common obstacle is the snake shape. In this seminar you will have the opportunity to unravel the etiquette and procedures of doing the most common types of snake Cheng to reach a more advanced understanding of traditional lion dance.
- Fri 7th July morning – 3 hours Qigong
- Fri 7th July afternoon – 3 hours Kung Fu
- Sat 8th July morning – 3 hours Qigong
- Sat 8th July afternoon – 3 hours Kung Fu
- Sun 9th July morning – 3 hours Qigong
- Sun 9th July afternoon – 3 hours Kung Fu
- Mon 10th July morning – 4 hours Lion Dance (optional session)
- Mon 10th July afternoon – Perth tour (optional session)
Additional Items
- Seminar fee includes attendance and light refreshments.
- There are plenty of accommodation options in the area including hostels, hotels, Airbnb etc. Nightly cost would be $50-$150. Closest accommodation is The Wray Hotel, $98/night twin share. Choy Lee Fut WA can assist with accommodation with 2 months’ notice (i.e. must register by 7th May), please indicate your preference in the checkout.
- There are a large number of eateries within 10-20 min walk from the training venue.
- Airfares from Sydney are $450-$650 return depending on airlines, travel times and class.
- Car hire in this period is $140-$160/day for a small car, $310-$345 for a people mover. If you have access to a car, there are a number of daytrip options from Perth including wineries, cruising etc.
I'm located:
*A 2.2% surcharge will be added for registrations outside Australia cover the credit card fee
My level of training:
If you're not sure about your level, ask your instructor or see this page.
I want to join the optional lion dance session:
I want to join the optional tour (expression of interest only to gauge interest, this will not be charged as part of registration)
I want CLF WA to assist with accommodation (if registering before 7th May 2023)